ConOpSys V2970  P004.07
ANVILEX control operating system
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //
2 // File: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h
3 //
4 // Code generated for Simulink model 'DFIG_Model_To_Code'.
5 //
6 // Model version : 1.53
7 // Simulink Coder version : 8.14 (R2018a) 06-Feb-2018
8 // C/C++ source code generated on : Mon May 31 13:30:15 2021
9 //
10 // Target selection: ert.tlc
11 // Embedded hardware selection: Custom Processor->Custom
12 // Code generation objectives:
13 // 1. Execution efficiency
14 // 2. RAM efficiency
15 // Validation result: Not run
16 //
17 #ifndef RTW_HEADER_DFIG_Model_To_Code_h_
18 #define RTW_HEADER_DFIG_Model_To_Code_h_
19 #include <stddef.h>
20 #include "math.h"
21 #include <string.h>
22 #ifndef DFIG_Model_To_Code_COMMON_INCLUDES_
23 # define DFIG_Model_To_Code_COMMON_INCLUDES_
24 #include "rtwtypes.h"
25 #include "rtw_continuous.h"
26 #include "rtw_solver.h"
27 #endif // DFIG_Model_To_Code_COMMON_INCLUDES_
29 // Macros for accessing real-time model data structure
30 #ifndef rtmGetErrorStatus
31 # define rtmGetErrorStatus(rtm) ((rtm)->errorStatus)
32 #endif
34 #ifndef rtmSetErrorStatus
35 # define rtmSetErrorStatus(rtm, val) ((rtm)->errorStatus = (val))
36 #endif
38 #ifndef rtmGetStopRequested
39 # define rtmGetStopRequested(rtm) ((rtm)->Timing.stopRequestedFlag)
40 #endif
42 #ifndef rtmSetStopRequested
43 # define rtmSetStopRequested(rtm, val) ((rtm)->Timing.stopRequestedFlag = (val))
44 #endif
46 #ifndef rtmGetStopRequestedPtr
47 # define rtmGetStopRequestedPtr(rtm) (&((rtm)->Timing.stopRequestedFlag))
48 #endif
50 #ifndef rtmGetT
51 # define rtmGetT(rtm) (rtmGetTPtr((rtm))[0])
52 #endif
54 #ifndef rtmGetTPtr
55 # define rtmGetTPtr(rtm) ((rtm)->Timing.t)
56 #endif
58 // Forward declaration for rtModel
59 typedef struct tag_RTM RT_MODEL;
61 // Block signals and states (default storage) for system '<Root>'
62 typedef struct {
63  real_T ib[4]; // '<S46>/ib'
64  real_T StateSpace_o1[58]; // '<S181>/State-Space'
65  real_T StateSpace_o2[35]; // '<S181>/State-Space'
66  real_T W21wr[16]; // '<S64>/W(2,1)=-wr'
67  real_T fluxes_DSTATE[4]; // '<S51>/fluxes'
68  real_T voltages_DSTATE[4]; // '<S51>/voltages'
69  real_T StateSpace_DSTATE[23]; // '<S181>/State-Space'
70  real_T Gain4; // '<S8>/Gain4'
71  real_T Gain2; // '<S8>/Gain2'
72  real_T Gain3; // '<S8>/Gain3'
73  real_T LookUpTable; // '<S157>/Look-Up Table'
74  real_T LookUpTable_l; // '<S159>/Look-Up Table'
75  real_T LookUpTable_h; // '<S161>/Look-Up Table'
76  real_T LookUpTable_e; // '<S162>/Look-Up Table'
77  real_T Switch3; // '<S13>/Switch3'
78  real_T LookUpTable_o; // '<S107>/Look-Up Table'
79  real_T LookUpTable_g; // '<S109>/Look-Up Table'
80  real_T LookUpTable_c; // '<S111>/Look-Up Table'
81  real_T LookUpTable_ci; // '<S112>/Look-Up Table'
82  real_T Switch3_b; // '<S7>/Switch3'
83  real_T DataTypeConversion; // '<S90>/Data Type Conversion'
84  real_T DataTypeConversion_c; // '<S92>/Data Type Conversion'
85  real_T DataTypeConversion_g; // '<S94>/Data Type Conversion'
86  real_T DataTypeConversion_k; // '<S96>/Data Type Conversion'
87  real_T DataTypeConversion_kl; // '<S98>/Data Type Conversion'
88  real_T DataTypeConversion_a; // '<S100>/Data Type Conversion'
89  real_T DataTypeConversion_p; // '<S19>/Data Type Conversion'
90  real_T DataTypeConversion_d; // '<S140>/Data Type Conversion'
91  real_T DataTypeConversion_ce; // '<S142>/Data Type Conversion'
92  real_T DataTypeConversion_l; // '<S144>/Data Type Conversion'
93  real_T DataTypeConversion_b; // '<S146>/Data Type Conversion'
94  real_T DataTypeConversion_j; // '<S148>/Data Type Conversion'
95  real_T DataTypeConversion_i; // '<S150>/Data Type Conversion'
96  real_T LookUpTable_d; // '<S34>/Look-Up Table'
97  real_T LookUpTable_k; // '<S36>/Look-Up Table'
98  real_T LookUpTable_g4; // '<S38>/Look-Up Table'
99  real_T LookUpTable_hr; // '<S39>/Look-Up Table'
100  real_T Switch3_l; // '<S27>/Switch3'
101  real_T DataTypeConversion_kc; // '<S22>/Data Type Conversion'
102  real_T TrigonometricFunction_o1; // '<S64>/Trigonometric Function'
103  real_T TrigonometricFunction_o2; // '<S64>/Trigonometric Function'
104  real_T ira; // '<S60>/ira'
105  real_T irb; // '<S60>/irb'
106  real_T isa; // '<S60>/isa'
107  real_T isb; // '<S60>/isb'
108  real_T vdr; // '<S56>/vdr'
109  real_T vds; // '<S56>/vds'
110  real_T vqr; // '<S56>/vqr'
111  real_T vqs; // '<S56>/vqs'
112  real_T Rotoranglethetam_DSTATE; // '<S43>/Rotor angle thetam'
113  real_T TimeStampA; // '<S157>/Derivative'
114  real_T LastUAtTimeA; // '<S157>/Derivative'
115  real_T TimeStampB; // '<S157>/Derivative'
116  real_T LastUAtTimeB; // '<S157>/Derivative'
117  real_T TimeStampA_g; // '<S159>/Derivative'
118  real_T LastUAtTimeA_m; // '<S159>/Derivative'
119  real_T TimeStampB_k; // '<S159>/Derivative'
120  real_T LastUAtTimeB_n; // '<S159>/Derivative'
121  real_T TimeStampA_f; // '<S161>/Derivative'
122  real_T LastUAtTimeA_n; // '<S161>/Derivative'
123  real_T TimeStampB_g; // '<S161>/Derivative'
124  real_T LastUAtTimeB_a; // '<S161>/Derivative'
125  real_T TimeStampA_e; // '<S107>/Derivative'
126  real_T LastUAtTimeA_h; // '<S107>/Derivative'
127  real_T TimeStampB_f; // '<S107>/Derivative'
128  real_T LastUAtTimeB_f; // '<S107>/Derivative'
129  real_T TimeStampA_n; // '<S109>/Derivative'
130  real_T LastUAtTimeA_n2; // '<S109>/Derivative'
131  real_T TimeStampB_n; // '<S109>/Derivative'
132  real_T LastUAtTimeB_j; // '<S109>/Derivative'
133  real_T TimeStampA_b; // '<S111>/Derivative'
134  real_T LastUAtTimeA_p; // '<S111>/Derivative'
135  real_T TimeStampB_h; // '<S111>/Derivative'
136  real_T LastUAtTimeB_p; // '<S111>/Derivative'
137  real_T TimeStampA_k; // '<S34>/Derivative'
138  real_T LastUAtTimeA_k; // '<S34>/Derivative'
139  real_T TimeStampB_n4; // '<S34>/Derivative'
140  real_T LastUAtTimeB_nk; // '<S34>/Derivative'
141  real_T TimeStampA_c; // '<S36>/Derivative'
142  real_T LastUAtTimeA_d; // '<S36>/Derivative'
143  real_T TimeStampB_ho; // '<S36>/Derivative'
144  real_T LastUAtTimeB_c; // '<S36>/Derivative'
145  real_T TimeStampA_kt; // '<S38>/Derivative'
146  real_T LastUAtTimeA_f; // '<S38>/Derivative'
147  real_T TimeStampB_l; // '<S38>/Derivative'
148  real_T LastUAtTimeB_px; // '<S38>/Derivative'
149  int_T StateSpace_IWORK[11]; // '<S181>/State-Space'
150  struct {
151  void *AS;
152  void *BS;
153  void *CS;
154  void *DS;
155  void *DX_COL;
156  void *BD_COL;
157  void *TMP1;
158  void *TMP2;
159  void *XTMP;
162  void *SW_CHG;
163  void *G_STATE;
164  void *USWLAST;
165  void *XKM12;
166  void *XKP12;
167  void *XLAST;
168  void *ULAST;
169  void *IDX_SW_CHG;
170  void *Y_SWITCH;
172  void *IDX_OUT_SW;
174  void *SWITCH_MAP;
175  } StateSpace_PWORK; // '<S181>/State-Space'
177  boolean_T sinthrcosthr1_MODE; // '<S47>/sin(thr),cos(thr)1'
178  boolean_T sinthrcosthr_MODE; // '<S47>/sin(thr),cos(thr)'
179  boolean_T Synchronousreferenceframe_MODE;// '<S46>/Synchronous reference frame'
180  boolean_T Stationaryreferenceframe_MODE;// '<S46>/Stationary reference frame'
181  boolean_T Rotorreferenceframe_MODE; // '<S46>/Rotor reference frame'
182  boolean_T Synchronousreferenceframe_MOD_j;// '<S45>/Synchronous reference frame'
183  boolean_T Stationaryreferenceframe_MODE_h;// '<S45>/Stationary reference frame'
184  boolean_T Rotorreferenceframe_MODE_g;// '<S45>/Rotor reference frame'
185 } DW;
187 // Continuous states (default storage)
188 typedef struct {
189  real_T Integrator_CSTATE; // '<S8>/Integrator'
190 } X;
192 // State derivatives (default storage)
193 typedef struct {
194  real_T Integrator_CSTATE; // '<S8>/Integrator'
195 } XDot;
197 // State disabled
198 typedef struct {
199  boolean_T Integrator_CSTATE; // '<S8>/Integrator'
200 } XDis;
202 // Invariant block signals (default storage)
203 typedef const struct tag_ConstB {
204  real_T wbaseTs2[16]; // '<S55>/wbase*Ts//2 '
207 #ifndef ODE1_INTG
208 #define ODE1_INTG
210 // ODE1 Integration Data
211 typedef struct {
212  real_T *f[1]; // derivatives
213 } ODE1_IntgData;
215 #endif
217 // Constant parameters (default storage)
218 typedef struct {
219  // Expression: zeros(35,1)
220  // Referenced by: '<S183>/SwitchCurrents'
222  real_T SwitchCurrents_Value[35];
224  // Expression: SM.Linv
225  // Referenced by: '<S44>/Constant2'
227  real_T Constant2_Value[16];
229  // Pooled Parameter (Mixed Expressions)
230  // Referenced by:
231  // '<S112>/Look-Up Table'
232  // '<S162>/Look-Up Table'
233  // '<S39>/Look-Up Table'
234  // '<S51>/fluxes'
236  real_T pooled4[4];
238  // Expression: eye(4,4)
239  // Referenced by: '<S55>/I4'
241  real_T I4_Value[16];
243  // Expression: SM.RLinv
244  // Referenced by: '<S44>/Constant4'
246  real_T Constant4_Value[16];
248  // Expression: S.A
249  // Referenced by: '<S181>/State-Space'
251  real_T StateSpace_AS_param[529];
253  // Expression: S.B
254  // Referenced by: '<S181>/State-Space'
256  real_T StateSpace_BS_param[1104];
258  // Expression: S.C
259  // Referenced by: '<S181>/State-Space'
261  real_T StateSpace_CS_param[1334];
263  // Expression: S.D
264  // Referenced by: '<S181>/State-Space'
266  real_T StateSpace_DS_param[2784];
268  // Expression: S.x0
269  // Referenced by: '<S181>/State-Space'
271  real_T StateSpace_X0_param[23];
273  // Expression: zeros(1,6)
274  // Referenced by: '<S28>/g'
276  real_T g_Value[6];
278  // Pooled Parameter (Expression: tv)
279  // Referenced by:
280  // '<S107>/Look-Up Table'
281  // '<S109>/Look-Up Table'
282  // '<S111>/Look-Up Table'
283  // '<S157>/Look-Up Table'
284  // '<S159>/Look-Up Table'
285  // '<S161>/Look-Up Table'
286  // '<S34>/Look-Up Table'
287  // '<S36>/Look-Up Table'
288  // '<S38>/Look-Up Table'
290  real_T pooled8[5];
292  // Pooled Parameter (Expression: opv)
293  // Referenced by:
294  // '<S107>/Look-Up Table'
295  // '<S109>/Look-Up Table'
296  // '<S111>/Look-Up Table'
297  // '<S157>/Look-Up Table'
298  // '<S159>/Look-Up Table'
299  // '<S161>/Look-Up Table'
300  // '<S34>/Look-Up Table'
301  // '<S36>/Look-Up Table'
302  // '<S38>/Look-Up Table'
304  real_T pooled9[5];
306  // Pooled Parameter (Expression:
307  // Referenced by:
308  // '<S112>/Look-Up Table'
309  // '<S162>/Look-Up Table'
310  // '<S39>/Look-Up Table'
312  real_T pooled11[4];
313 } ConstP;
315 // External inputs (root inport signals with default storage)
316 typedef struct {
317  boolean_T CTRL_SC; // '<Root>/CTRL_SC'
318  boolean_T CTRL_GC; // '<Root>/CTRL_GC'
319  boolean_T IGBT_GSI[6]; // '<Root>/IGBT_GSI'
320  boolean_T BAL_1_CTRL; // '<Root>/BAL_1_CTRL'
321  boolean_T IGBT_RSI[6]; // '<Root>/IGBT_RSI'
322  boolean_T CTRL_PC; // '<Root>/CTRL_PC'
323  boolean_T BAL_2_CTRL; // '<Root>/BAL_2_CTRL'
324  real_T OMEGA_GEN; // '<Root>/OMEGA_GEN'
325 } ExtU;
327 // External outputs (root outports fed by signals with default storage)
328 typedef struct {
329  real_T I_GRID_STATOR_L1; // '<Root>/I_GRID_STATOR_L1'
330  real_T I_GRID_STATOR_L2; // '<Root>/I_GRID_STATOR_L2'
331  real_T I_GRID_STATOR_L3; // '<Root>/I_GRID_STATOR_L3'
332  real_T U_GRID_L12; // '<Root>/U_GRID_L12'
333  real_T U_GRID_L23; // '<Root>/U_GRID_L23'
334  real_T U_GRID_L31; // '<Root>/U_GRID_L31'
335  real_T U_STATOR_L12; // '<Root>/U_STATOR_L12'
336  real_T U_STATOR_L23; // '<Root>/U_STATOR_L23'
337  real_T U_STATOR_L31; // '<Root>/U_STATOR_L31'
338  real_T U_GSI_L12; // '<Root>/U_GSI_L12'
339  real_T U_GSI_L23; // '<Root>/U_GSI_L23'
340  real_T U_GSI_L31; // '<Root>/U_GSI_L31'
341  real_T I_GSI_L1; // '<Root>/I_GSI_L1'
342  real_T I_GSI_L2; // '<Root>/I_GSI_L2'
343  real_T I_GSI_L3; // '<Root>/I_GSI_L3'
344  real_T U_DC; // '<Root>/U_DC'
345  real_T I_RSI_L1; // '<Root>/I_RSI_L1'
346  real_T I_RSI_L2; // '<Root>/I_RSI_L2'
347  real_T I_RSI_L3; // '<Root>/I_RSI_L3'
348  uint16_T Rotor_Angle; // '<Root>/Rotor_Angle'
349 } ExtY;
351 // Real-time Model Data Structure
352 struct tag_RTM {
363  real_T odeF[1][1];
366  //
367  // Sizes:
368  // The following substructure contains sizes information
369  // for many of the model attributes such as inputs, outputs,
370  // dwork, sample times, etc.
372  struct {
376  } Sizes;
378  //
379  // Timing:
380  // The following substructure contains information regarding
381  // the timing information for the model.
383  struct {
392 };
394 extern const ConstB rtConstB; // constant block i/o
396 // Constant parameters (default storage)
397 extern const ConstP rtConstP;
399 // Class declaration for model DFIG_Model_To_Code
401  {
402  // public data and function members
403  public:
404  // model initialize function
405  void initialize();
407  // model step function
408  void step();
410  // Constructor
413  // Destructor
416  // Root inports set method
417  void setExternalInputs(const ExtU* pExtU);
419  // Root outports get method
420  const ExtY & getExternalOutputs() const;
422  // Real-Time Model get method
423  RT_MODEL * getRTM();
425  // External inputs
428  // External outputs
431  // protected data and function members
432  protected:
434  // private data and function members
435  private:
436  // Block signals and states
438  X rtX; // Block continuous states
440  // Real-Time Model
443  // Continuous states update member function
446  // Derivatives member function
448 };
450 //-
451 // These blocks were eliminated from the model due to optimizations:
452 //
453 // Block '<S19>/0 1' : Unused code path elimination
454 // Block '<S19>/1//Rsw' : Unused code path elimination
455 // Block '<S19>/Switch' : Unused code path elimination
456 // Block '<S22>/0 1' : Unused code path elimination
457 // Block '<S22>/1//Rsw' : Unused code path elimination
458 // Block '<S22>/Switch' : Unused code path elimination
459 // Block '<S40>/Constant' : Unused code path elimination
460 // Block '<S44>/Constant5' : Unused code path elimination
461 // Block '<S44>/Lm_nosat' : Unused code path elimination
462 // Block '<S44>/Switch2' : Unused code path elimination
463 // Block '<S59>/Constant6' : Unused code path elimination
464 // Block '<S46>/Sum2' : Unused code path elimination
465 // Block '<S46>/Sum3' : Unused code path elimination
466 // Block '<S41>/unit conversion' : Unused code path elimination
467 // Block '<S78>/0 1' : Unused code path elimination
468 // Block '<S78>/Gain' : Unused code path elimination
469 // Block '<S78>/Saturation' : Unused code path elimination
470 // Block '<S78>/Sum' : Unused code path elimination
471 // Block '<S78>/Switch' : Unused code path elimination
472 // Block '<S80>/0 1' : Unused code path elimination
473 // Block '<S80>/Gain' : Unused code path elimination
474 // Block '<S80>/Saturation' : Unused code path elimination
475 // Block '<S80>/Sum' : Unused code path elimination
476 // Block '<S80>/Switch' : Unused code path elimination
477 // Block '<S82>/0 1' : Unused code path elimination
478 // Block '<S82>/Gain' : Unused code path elimination
479 // Block '<S82>/Saturation' : Unused code path elimination
480 // Block '<S82>/Sum' : Unused code path elimination
481 // Block '<S82>/Switch' : Unused code path elimination
482 // Block '<S84>/0 1' : Unused code path elimination
483 // Block '<S84>/Gain' : Unused code path elimination
484 // Block '<S84>/Saturation' : Unused code path elimination
485 // Block '<S84>/Sum' : Unused code path elimination
486 // Block '<S84>/Switch' : Unused code path elimination
487 // Block '<S86>/0 1' : Unused code path elimination
488 // Block '<S86>/Gain' : Unused code path elimination
489 // Block '<S86>/Saturation' : Unused code path elimination
490 // Block '<S86>/Sum' : Unused code path elimination
491 // Block '<S86>/Switch' : Unused code path elimination
492 // Block '<S88>/0 1' : Unused code path elimination
493 // Block '<S88>/Gain' : Unused code path elimination
494 // Block '<S88>/Saturation' : Unused code path elimination
495 // Block '<S88>/Sum' : Unused code path elimination
496 // Block '<S88>/Switch' : Unused code path elimination
497 // Block '<S90>/0 4' : Unused code path elimination
498 // Block '<S90>/1//Rsw' : Unused code path elimination
499 // Block '<S90>/Switch' : Unused code path elimination
500 // Block '<S92>/0 4' : Unused code path elimination
501 // Block '<S92>/1//Rsw' : Unused code path elimination
502 // Block '<S92>/Switch' : Unused code path elimination
503 // Block '<S94>/0 4' : Unused code path elimination
504 // Block '<S94>/1//Rsw' : Unused code path elimination
505 // Block '<S94>/Switch' : Unused code path elimination
506 // Block '<S96>/0 4' : Unused code path elimination
507 // Block '<S96>/1//Rsw' : Unused code path elimination
508 // Block '<S96>/Switch' : Unused code path elimination
509 // Block '<S98>/0 4' : Unused code path elimination
510 // Block '<S98>/1//Rsw' : Unused code path elimination
511 // Block '<S98>/Switch' : Unused code path elimination
512 // Block '<S100>/0 4' : Unused code path elimination
513 // Block '<S100>/1//Rsw' : Unused code path elimination
514 // Block '<S100>/Switch' : Unused code path elimination
515 // Block '<S140>/0 4' : Unused code path elimination
516 // Block '<S140>/1//Rsw' : Unused code path elimination
517 // Block '<S140>/Switch' : Unused code path elimination
518 // Block '<S142>/0 4' : Unused code path elimination
519 // Block '<S142>/1//Rsw' : Unused code path elimination
520 // Block '<S142>/Switch' : Unused code path elimination
521 // Block '<S144>/0 4' : Unused code path elimination
522 // Block '<S144>/1//Rsw' : Unused code path elimination
523 // Block '<S144>/Switch' : Unused code path elimination
524 // Block '<S146>/0 4' : Unused code path elimination
525 // Block '<S146>/1//Rsw' : Unused code path elimination
526 // Block '<S146>/Switch' : Unused code path elimination
527 // Block '<S148>/0 4' : Unused code path elimination
528 // Block '<S148>/1//Rsw' : Unused code path elimination
529 // Block '<S148>/Switch' : Unused code path elimination
530 // Block '<S150>/0 4' : Unused code path elimination
531 // Block '<S150>/1//Rsw' : Unused code path elimination
532 // Block '<S150>/Switch' : Unused code path elimination
533 // Block '<S25>/do not delete this gain' : Eliminated nontunable gain of 1
534 // Block '<S33>/Data Type Conversion' : Eliminate redundant data type conversion
535 // Block '<S33>/Switch3' : Eliminated due to constant selection input
536 // Block '<S35>/Data Type Conversion' : Eliminate redundant data type conversion
537 // Block '<S35>/Switch3' : Eliminated due to constant selection input
538 // Block '<S37>/Data Type Conversion' : Eliminate redundant data type conversion
539 // Block '<S37>/Switch3' : Eliminated due to constant selection input
540 // Block '<S27>/Switch' : Eliminated due to constant selection input
541 // Block '<S27>/Switch1' : Eliminated due to constant selection input
542 // Block '<S27>/Switch2' : Eliminated due to constant selection input
543 // Block '<S40>/Data Type Conversion' : Eliminate redundant data type conversion
544 // Block '<S44>/Switch' : Eliminated due to constant selection input
545 // Block '<S44>/Switch1' : Eliminated due to constant selection input
546 // Block '<S45>/Multiport Switch' : Eliminated due to constant selection input
547 // Block '<S45>/Multiport Switch1' : Eliminated due to constant selection input
548 // Block '<S46>/Multiport Switch' : Eliminated due to constant selection input
549 // Block '<S46>/Multiport Switch1' : Eliminated due to constant selection input
550 // Block '<S47>/Multiport Switch' : Eliminated due to constant selection input
551 // Block '<S47>/Multiport Switch1' : Eliminated due to constant selection input
552 // Block '<S106>/Data Type Conversion' : Eliminate redundant data type conversion
553 // Block '<S106>/Switch3' : Eliminated due to constant selection input
554 // Block '<S108>/Data Type Conversion' : Eliminate redundant data type conversion
555 // Block '<S108>/Switch3' : Eliminated due to constant selection input
556 // Block '<S110>/Data Type Conversion' : Eliminate redundant data type conversion
557 // Block '<S110>/Switch3' : Eliminated due to constant selection input
558 // Block '<S7>/Switch' : Eliminated due to constant selection input
559 // Block '<S7>/Switch1' : Eliminated due to constant selection input
560 // Block '<S7>/Switch2' : Eliminated due to constant selection input
561 // Block '<S116>/do not delete this gain' : Eliminated nontunable gain of 1
562 // Block '<S117>/do not delete this gain' : Eliminated nontunable gain of 1
563 // Block '<S118>/do not delete this gain' : Eliminated nontunable gain of 1
564 // Block '<S122>/do not delete this gain' : Eliminated nontunable gain of 1
565 // Block '<S123>/do not delete this gain' : Eliminated nontunable gain of 1
566 // Block '<S124>/do not delete this gain' : Eliminated nontunable gain of 1
567 // Block '<S128>/do not delete this gain' : Eliminated nontunable gain of 1
568 // Block '<S129>/do not delete this gain' : Eliminated nontunable gain of 1
569 // Block '<S130>/do not delete this gain' : Eliminated nontunable gain of 1
570 // Block '<S156>/Data Type Conversion' : Eliminate redundant data type conversion
571 // Block '<S156>/Switch3' : Eliminated due to constant selection input
572 // Block '<S158>/Data Type Conversion' : Eliminate redundant data type conversion
573 // Block '<S158>/Switch3' : Eliminated due to constant selection input
574 // Block '<S160>/Data Type Conversion' : Eliminate redundant data type conversion
575 // Block '<S160>/Switch3' : Eliminated due to constant selection input
576 // Block '<S13>/Switch' : Eliminated due to constant selection input
577 // Block '<S13>/Switch1' : Eliminated due to constant selection input
578 // Block '<S13>/Switch2' : Eliminated due to constant selection input
579 // Block '<S163>/do not delete this gain' : Eliminated nontunable gain of 1
580 // Block '<S164>/do not delete this gain' : Eliminated nontunable gain of 1
581 // Block '<S165>/do not delete this gain' : Eliminated nontunable gain of 1
582 // Block '<S169>/do not delete this gain' : Eliminated nontunable gain of 1
583 // Block '<S170>/do not delete this gain' : Eliminated nontunable gain of 1
584 // Block '<S171>/do not delete this gain' : Eliminated nontunable gain of 1
585 // Block '<S175>/do not delete this gain' : Eliminated nontunable gain of 1
586 // Block '<S176>/do not delete this gain' : Eliminated nontunable gain of 1
587 // Block '<S177>/do not delete this gain' : Eliminated nontunable gain of 1
588 // Block '<S33>/C4' : Unused code path elimination
589 // Block '<S35>/C4' : Unused code path elimination
590 // Block '<S37>/C4' : Unused code path elimination
591 // Block '<S27>/Constant1' : Unused code path elimination
592 // Block '<S27>/Constant2' : Unused code path elimination
593 // Block '<S27>/Constant3' : Unused code path elimination
594 // Block '<S27>/Constant5' : Unused code path elimination
595 // Block '<S44>/Constant1' : Unused code path elimination
596 // Block '<S44>/Constant3' : Unused code path elimination
597 // Block '<S49>/Gain' : Unused code path elimination
598 // Block '<S49>/Sum2' : Unused code path elimination
599 // Block '<S49>/fluxes' : Unused code path elimination
600 // Block '<S50>/1-D Lookup Table' : Unused code path elimination
601 // Block '<S50>/Constant1' : Unused code path elimination
602 // Block '<S50>/Delay' : Unused code path elimination
603 // Block '<S52>/Math Function' : Unused code path elimination
604 // Block '<S52>/Math Function1' : Unused code path elimination
605 // Block '<S52>/Sum2' : Unused code path elimination
606 // Block '<S52>/u2' : Unused code path elimination
607 // Block '<S50>/Math Function' : Unused code path elimination
608 // Block '<S53>/Lm in rows[1,3] & col[1,3]' : Unused code path elimination
609 // Block '<S53>/Lm in rows[2,4] & col[2,4]' : Unused code path elimination
610 // Block '<S53>/Sum2' : Unused code path elimination
611 // Block '<S53>/u1' : Unused code path elimination
612 // Block '<S53>/u5' : Unused code path elimination
613 // Block '<S50>/Product' : Unused code path elimination
614 // Block '<S50>/Product1' : Unused code path elimination
615 // Block '<S50>/Switch' : Unused code path elimination
616 // Block '<S50>/inversion' : Unused code path elimination
617 // Block '<S54>/Product' : Unused code path elimination
618 // Block '<S54>/Product1' : Unused code path elimination
619 // Block '<S54>/Product2' : Unused code path elimination
620 // Block '<S54>/Sum1' : Unused code path elimination
621 // Block '<S54>/Sum2' : Unused code path elimination
622 // Block '<S54>/u1' : Unused code path elimination
623 // Block '<S50>/u1' : Unused code path elimination
624 // Block '<S45>/Constant3' : Unused code path elimination
625 // Block '<S45>/Constant4' : Unused code path elimination
626 // Block '<S57>/vdr' : Unused code path elimination
627 // Block '<S57>/vds' : Unused code path elimination
628 // Block '<S57>/vqr' : Unused code path elimination
629 // Block '<S57>/vqs' : Unused code path elimination
630 // Block '<S58>/vdr' : Unused code path elimination
631 // Block '<S58>/vds' : Unused code path elimination
632 // Block '<S58>/vqr' : Unused code path elimination
633 // Block '<S58>/vqs' : Unused code path elimination
634 // Block '<S46>/Constant3' : Unused code path elimination
635 // Block '<S46>/Constant4' : Unused code path elimination
636 // Block '<S61>/ira' : Unused code path elimination
637 // Block '<S61>/irb' : Unused code path elimination
638 // Block '<S61>/isa' : Unused code path elimination
639 // Block '<S61>/isb' : Unused code path elimination
640 // Block '<S62>/ira' : Unused code path elimination
641 // Block '<S62>/irb' : Unused code path elimination
642 // Block '<S62>/isa' : Unused code path elimination
643 // Block '<S62>/isb' : Unused code path elimination
644 // Block '<S47>/Constant2' : Unused code path elimination
645 // Block '<S47>/Constant4' : Unused code path elimination
646 // Block '<S63>/Digital Clock' : Unused code path elimination
647 // Block '<S63>/Gain2' : Unused code path elimination
648 // Block '<S63>/Sum' : Unused code path elimination
649 // Block '<S63>/Sum1' : Unused code path elimination
650 // Block '<S63>/Trigonometric Function' : Unused code path elimination
651 // Block '<S63>/Trigonometric Function1' : Unused code path elimination
652 // Block '<S63>/W(3,4)=1-wr' : Unused code path elimination
653 // Block '<S63>/W(4,3)=wr-1' : Unused code path elimination
654 // Block '<S63>/u3' : Unused code path elimination
655 // Block '<S63>/we' : Unused code path elimination
656 // Block '<S63>/web_psb' : Unused code path elimination
657 // Block '<S65>/Constant' : Unused code path elimination
658 // Block '<S65>/Gain3' : Unused code path elimination
659 // Block '<S65>/Trigonometric Function' : Unused code path elimination
660 // Block '<S65>/W(3,4)=-wr' : Unused code path elimination
661 // Block '<S65>/W(4,3)=wr' : Unused code path elimination
662 // Block '<S65>/u4' : Unused code path elimination
663 // Block '<S106>/C4' : Unused code path elimination
664 // Block '<S108>/C4' : Unused code path elimination
665 // Block '<S110>/C4' : Unused code path elimination
666 // Block '<S7>/Constant1' : Unused code path elimination
667 // Block '<S7>/Constant2' : Unused code path elimination
668 // Block '<S7>/Constant3' : Unused code path elimination
669 // Block '<S7>/Constant5' : Unused code path elimination
670 // Block '<S156>/C4' : Unused code path elimination
671 // Block '<S158>/C4' : Unused code path elimination
672 // Block '<S160>/C4' : Unused code path elimination
673 // Block '<S13>/Constant1' : Unused code path elimination
674 // Block '<S13>/Constant2' : Unused code path elimination
675 // Block '<S13>/Constant3' : Unused code path elimination
676 // Block '<S13>/Constant5' : Unused code path elimination
679 //-
680 // The generated code includes comments that allow you to trace directly
681 // back to the appropriate location in the model. The basic format
682 // is <system>/block_name, where system is the system number (uniquely
683 // assigned by Simulink) and block_name is the name of the block.
684 //
685 // Use the MATLAB hilite_system command to trace the generated code back
686 // to the model. For example,
687 //
688 // hilite_system('<S3>') - opens system 3
689 // hilite_system('<S3>/Kp') - opens and selects block Kp which resides in S3
690 //
691 // Here is the system hierarchy for this model
692 //
693 // '<Root>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code'
694 // '<S1>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/Ballast1'
695 // '<S2>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/Ballast2'
696 // '<S3>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/DC BUS'
697 // '<S4>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/DC precharge'
698 // '<S5>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/DFIG'
699 // '<S6>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/GSI'
700 // '<S7>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/GSI contactor'
701 // '<S8>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/Grid model'
702 // '<S9>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/I GSI sensor'
703 // '<S10>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/I RSI sensor'
704 // '<S11>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/I grid sensor'
705 // '<S12>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/RSI'
706 // '<S13>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/Stator contactor'
707 // '<S14>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/U GSI sensor'
708 // '<S15>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/U grid sensor'
709 // '<S16>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/U stator sensor'
710 // '<S17>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/powergui'
711 // '<S18>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/Ballast1/Ideal Switch'
712 // '<S19>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/Ballast1/Ideal Switch/Model'
713 // '<S20>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/Ballast1/Ideal Switch/Model/Measurement list'
714 // '<S21>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/Ballast2/Ideal Switch'
715 // '<S22>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/Ballast2/Ideal Switch/Model'
716 // '<S23>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/Ballast2/Ideal Switch/Model/Measurement list'
717 // '<S24>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/DC BUS/DC U'
718 // '<S25>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/DC BUS/DC U/Voltage sensor'
719 // '<S26>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/DC BUS/DC U/Voltage sensor/Model'
720 // '<S27>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/DC precharge/Precharge contactor'
721 // '<S28>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/DC precharge/Universal Bridge'
722 // '<S29>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/DC precharge/Precharge contactor/Breaker A'
723 // '<S30>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/DC precharge/Precharge contactor/Breaker B'
724 // '<S31>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/DC precharge/Precharge contactor/Breaker C'
725 // '<S32>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/DC precharge/Precharge contactor/Stair Generator'
726 // '<S33>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/DC precharge/Precharge contactor/Breaker A/Model'
727 // '<S34>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/DC precharge/Precharge contactor/Breaker A/Model/Timer'
728 // '<S35>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/DC precharge/Precharge contactor/Breaker B/Model'
729 // '<S36>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/DC precharge/Precharge contactor/Breaker B/Model/Timer'
730 // '<S37>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/DC precharge/Precharge contactor/Breaker C/Model'
731 // '<S38>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/DC precharge/Precharge contactor/Breaker C/Model/Timer'
732 // '<S39>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/DC precharge/Precharge contactor/Stair Generator/Model'
733 // '<S40>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/DC precharge/Universal Bridge/Model'
734 // '<S41>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/DFIG/Electrical model'
735 // '<S42>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/DFIG/Measurements'
736 // '<S43>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/DFIG/Mechanical model'
737 // '<S44>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/DFIG/Electrical model/Asynchronous Machine State-space model'
738 // '<S45>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/DFIG/Electrical model/abc to dq transformation'
739 // '<S46>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/DFIG/Electrical model/dq to abc transformation'
740 // '<S47>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/DFIG/Electrical model/sin,cos'
741 // '<S48>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/DFIG/Electrical model/Asynchronous Machine State-space model/Electromagnetic Torque'
742 // '<S49>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/DFIG/Electrical model/Asynchronous Machine State-space model/Flux Prediction'
743 // '<S50>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/DFIG/Electrical model/Asynchronous Machine State-space model/Saturation'
744 // '<S51>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/DFIG/Electrical model/Asynchronous Machine State-space model/phiqd_SR'
745 // '<S52>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/DFIG/Electrical model/Asynchronous Machine State-space model/Saturation/Laq=Lad'
746 // '<S53>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/DFIG/Electrical model/Asynchronous Machine State-space model/Saturation/Matrix L'
747 // '<S54>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/DFIG/Electrical model/Asynchronous Machine State-space model/Saturation/phimqd'
748 // '<S55>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/DFIG/Electrical model/Asynchronous Machine State-space model/phiqd_SR/Subsystem'
749 // '<S56>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/DFIG/Electrical model/abc to dq transformation/Rotor reference frame'
750 // '<S57>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/DFIG/Electrical model/abc to dq transformation/Stationary reference frame'
751 // '<S58>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/DFIG/Electrical model/abc to dq transformation/Synchronous reference frame'
752 // '<S59>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/DFIG/Electrical model/abc to dq transformation/transit'
753 // '<S60>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/DFIG/Electrical model/dq to abc transformation/Rotor reference frame'
754 // '<S61>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/DFIG/Electrical model/dq to abc transformation/Stationary reference frame'
755 // '<S62>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/DFIG/Electrical model/dq to abc transformation/Synchronous reference frame'
756 // '<S63>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/DFIG/Electrical model/sin,cos/sin(beta),cos(beta),sin(th),cos(th)'
757 // '<S64>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/DFIG/Electrical model/sin,cos/sin(thr),cos(thr)'
758 // '<S65>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/DFIG/Electrical model/sin,cos/sin(thr),cos(thr)1'
759 // '<S66>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/GSI/Diode'
760 // '<S67>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/GSI/Diode1'
761 // '<S68>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/GSI/Diode2'
762 // '<S69>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/GSI/Diode3'
763 // '<S70>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/GSI/Diode4'
764 // '<S71>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/GSI/Diode5'
765 // '<S72>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/GSI/T1'
766 // '<S73>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/GSI/T2'
767 // '<S74>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/GSI/T3'
768 // '<S75>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/GSI/T4'
769 // '<S76>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/GSI/T5'
770 // '<S77>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/GSI/T6'
771 // '<S78>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/GSI/Diode/Model'
772 // '<S79>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/GSI/Diode/Model/Measurement list'
773 // '<S80>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/GSI/Diode1/Model'
774 // '<S81>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/GSI/Diode1/Model/Measurement list'
775 // '<S82>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/GSI/Diode2/Model'
776 // '<S83>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/GSI/Diode2/Model/Measurement list'
777 // '<S84>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/GSI/Diode3/Model'
778 // '<S85>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/GSI/Diode3/Model/Measurement list'
779 // '<S86>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/GSI/Diode4/Model'
780 // '<S87>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/GSI/Diode4/Model/Measurement list'
781 // '<S88>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/GSI/Diode5/Model'
782 // '<S89>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/GSI/Diode5/Model/Measurement list'
783 // '<S90>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/GSI/T1/Model'
784 // '<S91>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/GSI/T1/Model/Measurement list'
785 // '<S92>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/GSI/T2/Model'
786 // '<S93>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/GSI/T2/Model/Measurement list'
787 // '<S94>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/GSI/T3/Model'
788 // '<S95>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/GSI/T3/Model/Measurement list'
789 // '<S96>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/GSI/T4/Model'
790 // '<S97>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/GSI/T4/Model/Measurement list'
791 // '<S98>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/GSI/T5/Model'
792 // '<S99>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/GSI/T5/Model/Measurement list'
793 // '<S100>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/GSI/T6/Model'
794 // '<S101>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/GSI/T6/Model/Measurement list'
795 // '<S102>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/GSI contactor/Breaker A'
796 // '<S103>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/GSI contactor/Breaker B'
797 // '<S104>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/GSI contactor/Breaker C'
798 // '<S105>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/GSI contactor/Stair Generator'
799 // '<S106>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/GSI contactor/Breaker A/Model'
800 // '<S107>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/GSI contactor/Breaker A/Model/Timer'
801 // '<S108>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/GSI contactor/Breaker B/Model'
802 // '<S109>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/GSI contactor/Breaker B/Model/Timer'
803 // '<S110>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/GSI contactor/Breaker C/Model'
804 // '<S111>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/GSI contactor/Breaker C/Model/Timer'
805 // '<S112>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/GSI contactor/Stair Generator/Model'
806 // '<S113>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/Grid model/Controlled Voltage Source'
807 // '<S114>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/Grid model/Controlled Voltage Source1'
808 // '<S115>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/Grid model/Controlled Voltage Source2'
809 // '<S116>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/I GSI sensor/Current Coil P1'
810 // '<S117>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/I GSI sensor/Current Coil P2'
811 // '<S118>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/I GSI sensor/Current Coil P3'
812 // '<S119>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/I GSI sensor/Current Coil P1/Model'
813 // '<S120>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/I GSI sensor/Current Coil P2/Model'
814 // '<S121>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/I GSI sensor/Current Coil P3/Model'
815 // '<S122>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/I RSI sensor/Current Coil P1'
816 // '<S123>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/I RSI sensor/Current Coil P2'
817 // '<S124>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/I RSI sensor/Current Coil P3'
818 // '<S125>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/I RSI sensor/Current Coil P1/Model'
819 // '<S126>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/I RSI sensor/Current Coil P2/Model'
820 // '<S127>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/I RSI sensor/Current Coil P3/Model'
821 // '<S128>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/I grid sensor/Current Coil P1'
822 // '<S129>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/I grid sensor/Current Coil P2'
823 // '<S130>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/I grid sensor/Current Coil P3'
824 // '<S131>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/I grid sensor/Current Coil P1/Model'
825 // '<S132>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/I grid sensor/Current Coil P2/Model'
826 // '<S133>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/I grid sensor/Current Coil P3/Model'
827 // '<S134>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/RSI/T1'
828 // '<S135>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/RSI/T2'
829 // '<S136>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/RSI/T3'
830 // '<S137>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/RSI/T4'
831 // '<S138>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/RSI/T5'
832 // '<S139>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/RSI/T6'
833 // '<S140>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/RSI/T1/Model'
834 // '<S141>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/RSI/T1/Model/Measurement list'
835 // '<S142>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/RSI/T2/Model'
836 // '<S143>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/RSI/T2/Model/Measurement list'
837 // '<S144>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/RSI/T3/Model'
838 // '<S145>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/RSI/T3/Model/Measurement list'
839 // '<S146>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/RSI/T4/Model'
840 // '<S147>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/RSI/T4/Model/Measurement list'
841 // '<S148>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/RSI/T5/Model'
842 // '<S149>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/RSI/T5/Model/Measurement list'
843 // '<S150>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/RSI/T6/Model'
844 // '<S151>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/RSI/T6/Model/Measurement list'
845 // '<S152>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/Stator contactor/Breaker A'
846 // '<S153>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/Stator contactor/Breaker B'
847 // '<S154>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/Stator contactor/Breaker C'
848 // '<S155>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/Stator contactor/Stair Generator'
849 // '<S156>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/Stator contactor/Breaker A/Model'
850 // '<S157>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/Stator contactor/Breaker A/Model/Timer'
851 // '<S158>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/Stator contactor/Breaker B/Model'
852 // '<S159>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/Stator contactor/Breaker B/Model/Timer'
853 // '<S160>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/Stator contactor/Breaker C/Model'
854 // '<S161>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/Stator contactor/Breaker C/Model/Timer'
855 // '<S162>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/Stator contactor/Stair Generator/Model'
856 // '<S163>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/U GSI sensor/L12'
857 // '<S164>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/U GSI sensor/L23'
858 // '<S165>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/U GSI sensor/L31'
859 // '<S166>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/U GSI sensor/L12/Model'
860 // '<S167>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/U GSI sensor/L23/Model'
861 // '<S168>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/U GSI sensor/L31/Model'
862 // '<S169>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/U grid sensor/L12'
863 // '<S170>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/U grid sensor/L23'
864 // '<S171>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/U grid sensor/L31'
865 // '<S172>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/U grid sensor/L12/Model'
866 // '<S173>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/U grid sensor/L23/Model'
867 // '<S174>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/U grid sensor/L31/Model'
868 // '<S175>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/U stator sensor/L12'
869 // '<S176>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/U stator sensor/L23'
870 // '<S177>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/U stator sensor/L31'
871 // '<S178>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/U stator sensor/L12/Model'
872 // '<S179>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/U stator sensor/L23/Model'
873 // '<S180>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/U stator sensor/L31/Model'
874 // '<S181>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/powergui/EquivalentModel1'
875 // '<S182>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/powergui/EquivalentModel1/Gates'
876 // '<S183>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/powergui/EquivalentModel1/Sources'
877 // '<S184>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/powergui/EquivalentModel1/Status'
878 // '<S185>' : 'DFIG_Model_To_Code/powergui/EquivalentModel1/Yout'
880 #endif // RTW_HEADER_DFIG_Model_To_Code_h_
882 //
883 // File trailer for generated code.
884 //
885 // [EOF]
886 //
Definition: rtw_continuous.h:35
unsigned int uint32_T
Definition: rtwtypes.h:54
char char_T
Definition: rtwtypes.h:71
unsigned short uint16_T
Definition: rtwtypes.h:52
double real_T
Definition: rtwtypes.h:64
unsigned char boolean_T
Definition: rtwtypes.h:66
double time_T
Definition: rtwtypes.h:65
int int_T
Definition: rtwtypes.h:67
const ConstP rtConstP
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code_data.cpp:43
const ConstB rtConstB
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code_data.cpp:20
const struct tag_ConstB ConstB
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:401
ExtY rtY
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:429
void initialize()
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.cpp:1536
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:441
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.cpp:1906
void step()
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.cpp:464
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.cpp:1911
const ExtY & getExternalOutputs() const
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.cpp:1927
void setExternalInputs(const ExtU *pExtU)
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.cpp:1919
X rtX
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:438
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.cpp:1933
ExtU rtU
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:426
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:437
void rt_ertODEUpdateContinuousStates(RTWSolverInfo *si)
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.cpp:443
void DFIG_Model_To_Code_derivatives()
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.cpp:1524
Definition: rtw_solver.h:44
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:218
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:62
real_T LastUAtTimeB_n
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:120
real_T ira
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:104
void * BD_COL
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:156
real_T DataTypeConversion_d
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:90
void * IDX_OUT_SW
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:172
real_T Switch3_b
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:82
real_T LastUAtTimeA_k
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:138
real_T vqs
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:111
real_T LastUAtTimeB_j
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:132
boolean_T Synchronousreferenceframe_MODE
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:179
real_T DataTypeConversion_ce
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:91
real_T LastUAtTimeA_f
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:146
real_T vdr
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:108
real_T isb
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:107
real_T TimeStampB_h
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:135
real_T LookUpTable_l
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:74
real_T TimeStampB_f
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:127
void * TMP1
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:157
real_T LastUAtTimeA_n
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:122
void * XKP12
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:166
real_T Gain3
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:72
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:160
real_T LastUAtTimeB_c
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:144
real_T LookUpTable_g
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:79
real_T TimeStampB_l
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:147
real_T DataTypeConversion
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:83
real_T LookUpTable_h
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:75
real_T TimeStampB
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:115
real_T DataTypeConversion_a
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:88
boolean_T sinthrcosthr_MODE
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:178
real_T LookUpTable
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:73
real_T LastUAtTimeB_p
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:136
real_T LookUpTable_d
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:96
real_T LookUpTable_c
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:80
void * USWLAST
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:164
real_T TimeStampA_c
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:141
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:173
real_T TimeStampA_g
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:117
real_T TimeStampB_n4
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:139
real_T TimeStampA
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:113
real_T LastUAtTimeA_p
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:134
real_T LookUpTable_g4
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:98
real_T TimeStampA_e
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:125
real_T LastUAtTimeA_n2
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:130
real_T DataTypeConversion_kc
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:101
real_T LastUAtTimeA_d
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:142
real_T DataTypeConversion_j
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:94
real_T LastUAtTimeB_f
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:128
void * IDX_SW_CHG
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:169
real_T DataTypeConversion_kl
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:87
boolean_T Rotorreferenceframe_MODE
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:181
real_T LookUpTable_e
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:76
real_T DataTypeConversion_g
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:85
real_T DataTypeConversion_b
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:93
boolean_T Rotorreferenceframe_MODE_g
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:184
real_T Switch3_l
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:100
void * XTMP
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:159
void * XKM12
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:165
void * DX_COL
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:155
real_T TimeStampA_f
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:121
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:174
real_T Gain2
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:71
real_T TimeStampB_g
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:123
void * AS
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:151
real_T Gain4
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:70
real_T LastUAtTimeA_m
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:118
real_T LastUAtTimeB_px
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:148
real_T DataTypeConversion_p
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:89
real_T irb
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:105
void * Y_SWITCH
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:170
real_T TimeStampB_ho
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:143
real_T isa
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:106
real_T Rotoranglethetam_DSTATE
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:112
real_T DataTypeConversion_l
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:92
real_T LastUAtTimeB_a
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:124
real_T TimeStampA_kt
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:145
void * TMP2
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:158
real_T TimeStampA_k
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:137
real_T LastUAtTimeA_h
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:126
real_T DataTypeConversion_c
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:84
real_T LastUAtTimeB
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:116
real_T TimeStampB_k
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:119
void * G_STATE
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:163
void * SW_CHG
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:162
void * DS
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:154
real_T LookUpTable_o
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:78
real_T TrigonometricFunction_o1
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:102
real_T vds
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:109
real_T vqr
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:110
real_T LastUAtTimeB_nk
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:140
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:171
real_T TimeStampB_n
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:131
real_T Switch3
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:77
boolean_T Stationaryreferenceframe_MODE_h
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:183
boolean_T Stationaryreferenceframe_MODE
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:180
real_T DataTypeConversion_i
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:95
real_T LookUpTable_ci
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:81
void * CS
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:153
void * BS
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:152
real_T TrigonometricFunction_o2
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:103
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:161
real_T LastUAtTimeA
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:114
boolean_T Synchronousreferenceframe_MOD_j
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:182
real_T DataTypeConversion_k
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:86
void * XLAST
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:167
real_T TimeStampA_n
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:129
boolean_T sinthrcosthr1_MODE
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:177
void * ULAST
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:168
real_T LookUpTable_k
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:97
real_T LookUpTable_hr
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:99
real_T TimeStampA_b
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:133
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:316
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:324
boolean_T BAL_1_CTRL
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:320
boolean_T CTRL_PC
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:322
boolean_T CTRL_SC
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:317
boolean_T CTRL_GC
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:318
boolean_T BAL_2_CTRL
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:323
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:328
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:329
real_T U_GSI_L12
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:338
real_T U_GSI_L23
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:339
real_T U_GRID_L23
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:333
real_T U_GRID_L12
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:332
real_T I_GSI_L1
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:341
real_T U_DC
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:344
real_T U_STATOR_L31
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:337
real_T U_STATOR_L12
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:335
real_T I_GSI_L3
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:343
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:330
real_T I_GSI_L2
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:342
real_T I_RSI_L1
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:345
real_T I_RSI_L2
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:346
real_T U_GSI_L31
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:340
real_T U_STATOR_L23
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:336
uint16_T Rotor_Angle
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:348
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:331
real_T I_RSI_L3
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:347
real_T U_GRID_L31
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:334
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:211
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:198
boolean_T Integrator_CSTATE
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:199
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:193
real_T Integrator_CSTATE
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:194
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:188
real_T Integrator_CSTATE
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:189
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:203
real_T wbaseTs2[16]
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:204
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:352
SimTimeStep simTimeStep
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:387
boolean_T derivCacheNeedsReset
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:361
time_T tArray[2]
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:390
const char_T * errorStatus
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:353
boolean_T stopRequestedFlag
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:388
uint32_T clockTick1
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:386
real_T * periodicContStateRanges
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:357
real_T odeF[1][1]
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:363
int_T * periodicContStateIndices
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:356
struct tag_RTM::@2 Sizes
boolean_T zCCacheNeedsReset
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:360
int_T numSampTimes
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:375
int_T numContStates
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:373
time_T * t
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:389
struct tag_RTM::@3 Timing
RTWSolverInfo solverInfo
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:354
ODE1_IntgData intgData
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:364
boolean_T CTOutputIncnstWithState
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:362
X * contStates
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:355
real_T * derivs
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:358
time_T stepSize0
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:385
uint32_T clockTick0
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:384
boolean_T * contStateDisabled
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:359
int_T numPeriodicContStates
Definition: DFIG_Model_To_Code.h:374